Lugenbuhl’s attorneys engage judicial collection remedies to achieve the maximum recovery on claims. We are not only adept at reducing a claim to judgment, but also maximizing the monetary recovery on the claim when the debtor refuses or delays payment. If a judgment cannot readily be collected, our commercial debt and asset recovery team identifies the obstacles to payment and develops early on the most effective and efficient collection strategies to achieve recovery.
Pursuing Efficient and Effective Recoveries
Even when the adversary is hiding assets or attempting to place them beyond the reach of creditors, Lugenbuhl attorneys are experienced in identifying and executing efficient recovery strategies, whether past due commercial debts relate to a lease, loan, open accounts or other unpaid business obligation. Our paramount goal is to ensure the maximum return of funds owed to our client, for the lowest total litigation cost.
Employing the Right Recovery Methods for Specific Types of Debt
For providers of goods and services and other trade vendors, we provide thorough knowledge of their rights under the Louisiana Open Account Statute. This framework allows our clients to recover their attorney fees plus interest from their delinquent or nonpaying customers. We also have experience in prosecuting fraudulent transfer claims, and more industry-specific collection regimes such as the Private Works Act, Miller Act, Louisiana Oil Well Lien Act, and Condominium and Homeowners Association statutes.
Professional at All Times
Pursuing recovery aggressively, however, never means unprofessionally. We enforce our clients’ creditor rights courteously and within the bounds of all applicable commercial collection statutes and applicable regulations.
- Prejudgment writs of attachment, liens, receivership & other provisional remedies
- Enforcement of foreign judgments
- Judgment debtor examinations
- Secured & unsecured debt enforcement
- Debt collection analysis and investigation through judicial process and public records
- Pre-bankruptcy & bankruptcy claims processing
- Garnishments